digital marketing near me

We are DNA Digital Marketing.
A Creative Digital Marketing Agency
for Smart Businesses.

Our mission is to drive qualified leads to the doorstep of your sales department. We aim to push the marketing function so far down the marketing funnel, that there will be no difference between a marketing qualified lead and a sales qualified lead. It will plainly be a lead that is ready to buy.  Bridging the gap between marketing and sales is what we do.

More About Us

Digital Marketing that Delivers Sales!

We focus on growing your sales funnel with qualified leads that are sales ready prospects. There is no better or cost effective method to do that other than digital marketing. We're good at it and we want you to profit from our expertise. Get world-class execution that delivers meaningful results. Let's get to work.

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website design in Rochester NY


Social Media Management


Getting your Marketing
Strategy Right.

Often the difference between success and failure is having and adhering to a marketing strategy. Almost 70% of marketers don't have one, so we are here to help you eat their lunch. Want to beat your competition, let's have a chat.

Marketing Strategy

Getting your Marketing
Strategy Right.

Often the difference between success and failure is having and adhering to a marketing strategy. Almost 70% of marketers don't have one, so we are here to help you eat their lunch. Want to beat your competition, let's have a chat.

We can help your business grow. 

Marketing Strategy in Rochester NYon target customer segmentation
Revenue goals
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Generate Better Leads
with Better Content

Reach targeted buyers and close more deals.

Content Marketing

Companies compete based on the value of their online content. At DNA Digital Marketing we help businesses like yours establish your brand with superior content.

Lead Generation

We help our clients develop lead generation strategies that target, attract and nurture leads. We specialize in speeding up the sales cycle by pushing the marketing function farther down the funnel.

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Good website design 

A well-designed website can attract potential customers to the site, effectively communicate the business's value proposition and unique differentiators, and engage visitors with valuable content throughout their buying journey.
By implementing advanced search engine optimization techniques, a well-designed website can also increase its visibility in search engine results, allowing more potential customers to find the business.

Good website design 

A well-designed website can attract potential customers to the site, effectively communicate the business's value proposition and unique differentiators, and engage visitors with valuable content throughout their buying journey.
By implementing advanced search engine optimization techniques, a well-designed website can also increase its visibility in search engine results, allowing more potential customers to find the business.

We can help your business grow. 

Website design in Rochester NY
Revenue goals
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Connect with your audience

Let us handle your Social Media Management

Social Media Management

In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. With millions of people actively using various social media platforms, businesses have a great opportunity to increase their brand visibility and generate leads by effectively utilizing social media. But for a small business that can be overwhelming.

Paid Social Media Management

We help our clients develop paid social media strategy that aligns with your business objectives and target audience. The team at DNA are experts at paid social media placements with unusually high CTR and low CPC: Increase your brand's visibility and reach.

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Daily Ad brief

We have been identified as
one of the top ten social media marketing agencies in Rochester NY

Interested in Marketing Automation but not very sure why or how it can help your business? Don't worry about it.
We have you covered with our Free Ultimate Guide to Marketing Automation.

Download the Guide


Target Marketing

Target Marketing of your audience, sales, lead generation, qualifying leads
Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation resellers of SharpSpring marketing automation, lead generation, qualifying leads,

Lead Generation 

Lead Generation - revenue growth, lead generation, sales,

Local SEO

Local SEO & SEO, sales, lead generation,


Sharpspring partner badge of marketing automation

DNA Digital Marketing is a Marketing Partner of SharpSpring, a Premier Marketing Automation Platform. We resell the marketing automation services with no long contracts, No hidden fees, Month-to-Month.
Highly customizable - highly capable - highly comparable to well known marketing automation solutions such as Hubspot, Marketo, Pardot and Act-On.

Learn how you can do more - for less. Download our free comparison guide.